
PMR approaching ...

Disappear from here until 17th of October because my PMR is cuming soon so i have to study hard for it .. Good Luck for those who are facing it and myself too ... Gambateh !!! God Blessed !!



the malay gal really .. haizz .. i don't know how to describe what kind of people she is .. stole other's handphone still can pretended nothing was happened and get back the handphone .. now just a young gal and she had started to steal things, when she grow bigger what kind of person she would be?? a thief or a gal's robber who wants to break into the bank to rob?? i don't know why she wants to be such gal .. if the handphone is not yours please give back to the owner .. why did you get it?? don't you felt guilty after stole other's things ?? if wednesday the matter still cannnot solve it .. my friend's father is going to make a police report like tat you may lose ur face .. hope this matter can solve it as my friend wants back her belonging .. and the malay gal may deserved what she had did ... GOD is fair .. those who make sins may deserved wat they did ..

lazy to write whole story just want to write out my point of view to that malay gal which considered a school thief now .. must becareful of that gal and i was unfortunately same class with that gal during my english class .. haizz ...

yin zhen, jia you .. if the matter can't solve just tell your daddy as ur daddy already said that wants to make police report .. gambateh !!! we all support u !!!