

主考官考她 :“你骑在路上看到了一个人与一条狗。你是撞人还是撞狗?”
阿美毫不考虑,马上回答 :“撞狗咯!”
主考官摇摇头,说道 :“你还是下一次再来吧!”
阿美很不服气地问道 :“难道要我去撞人啊?”
主考官看了阿美一下,说道 :“不,你应该。。。。。。踩刹车。”


Just For Laughs

A Joke :

>Many Months<

After married, an Indian guy have to go for a war..
so he tell his wife: 'wait me come back, must..'
after few months, he come back from the war and his wife was pregnant..
so, he ask his wife: 'i no come why baby come?'
his wife answered: 'you no come, many man come, why baby no come?'

i felt it is funny but don't know whether you guys read already will feel it funny or nt.. anyway i just wanna share it with you guys.. hehe^^


Mural Champs !

my fren had finished their mural yesterday ..
the aso won the CHAMPION for mural competition .. Congratulations!!!!

>nice mural .. like it so much^^<

>right side view<

>left side view<

>cutie cartoon lying on the white key<

>the cartoon is ready for jumping & climbing..they r so cute^^<

>disediakan oleh:elaine,zhen,jil,shing,lin & yeng<

>feat:vi vian,shan,xiao ming..i'm the 1 who juz help a little bit onli<


Happy Bday to you .

2dy celebrate my bro & sis's burfday ..
we bought 2 small cakes for each ..
actually my sis's burfday is on 20th oct but becoz of tat time she is examing so tat she said she wan 2 celebrate 2gether v my bro ..

>they r going to blow off the candle< >my leng zai bro&sis .. haha< >preparing to cut the cake< >my new hairstyle =) .. finaliy i cut my long hair :( ..< >mummy&I .. do we look alike???< >daddy&I<