
Tomorrow is our school Canteen Day ..
Looking forward .. Hope it will be a fun & fantastic Canteen Day ..


It's Just You and Me.

It's funny how we end up here. Now.
Just a few months ago, we were strangers.
Without knowing, this feelings for you bloomed.
There's no way I'll ever thought that this day would come.
The day that I'll be labelled-owned.

I admit.
I'm insecure.
I don't want to be disappointed again.
I don't want to be the one who has to get hurt.
Not anymore.

I won't lie.
This is hard for me to handle.
With all the 'interruptions' and the 'distractions'
I could crumble under it all.
I need your support at all times.
Isn't this how it's suppose to be?

I want to start a brand new chapter of my life.
With you as the title.
Let's write down our memories together.
Page after page.
It's going to be a hell of a story.
Cause it's just you and me.

[wee-square masterpiece]


To > My DaRL!nG , Kai Lin

` May AlL YouR Dr3amZzZ ComE Tru3 ..

` Sm!l3 =) & Happii3 XD AlwaYs ..

` AlL Th3 BesT ..

` Go0d LucK !!!

` Lov3 ya^^

~ Fr3nZ 4eVa ~

Just From :
Ur Darling ,
- shan -


Tomorrow is report card day .. i asked mummy nt to go as i had told her my mid year results ... I ask her end yr report card day just go .. haha ..
Yeng asked me wan go sing K v them or nt .. but i kinda lazy to go so i rejected jor ... nvm la .. still gt next time ... Yeng, zhen & s.chin .. enjoy urself ya ..