
Wedding Certificate

To Vi Vian :

I am telling the truth right??? Here the proof .. hahahaha .. We get married and had a marriage certificate so we are legal marriage you know nt tradisional marriage ... u n hyung joon be our witnesses .. wahahaha .. when is my turn to be urs??? XD

I think i'm crazy d ... lolz ..



Jihoo : H1N1?!!

He looks emaciate after he fell sick .. Hope he can get well soon and always in a good condition .. not to fall sick or get injured ..



OMG !!! Kim Hyun Joong had been diagnosed with the H1N1 flu ..
today during physics period me n vv just talking about him n his teammate, hyung joon .. both of us were crazy about them .. we summore said wan to find more their pictures and set it as our phone's wallpaper ..
when i reached home received the msg from yeng, lin & zhen said tat hyun joong down with H1N1 and lin asked me faster go and read the news from newspaper .. i get shocked when i knew .. actually yesterday i had read such news from the web but didn't take notice of it because i though it just a hearsay information .. who knows it's true .. anyway hope he can get well soon ... God blessed him !!!


my blog is dead ... totally dead because i gt no idea what to post ...
final exam is coming soon ... just left about 2 months to go ... i havent start my revision ... i'm so so so so lazy to do it ... i rather spend my time to watch tv, read novel than do the revision ... hope i can start the revision as fast as possible if nt the results will be very very terrible ... haix