
PC spoilt jor .. waiting for repair .. have to use sis laptop to 0n9 .. her laptop very very the lag .. and the internet connection interrupted all the time make me so pek cek .. but 2dy seems return to normal d ..
Last friday went Bahau, Negeri Sembilan relative's house v my family n aunt's family .. we went malacca 1st .. planned to go shopping at malacca after having lunch but unexpectedly it rains cats and dogs in the presence of hot sun .. it's really irritating .. make us couldn't go for shopping .. so we ended up to go for shopping and straight away continued our journey to bahau .. it took 2 hrs plus to reach there .. about 6 o'clock we reached relative's house .. we just chit-chatting around and took a shower .. after that about 8.30 we went for dinner .. after dinner we went KTV .. although is VIP room but the hi-fi equipment is nt really high class .. recent pop songs were nt having in the list .. it's quite outdated .. we sang till about 1 o'clock onli back home .. as we gt lots ppl went there .. so my relative rented a cabin nearby for us .. the next day morning after having our breakfast we went back .. on the way back we stopped at seremban just to buy the famous products of seremban --- 'shao bao' .. mummy n aunty bought a lot of sha bao wanted to gv aunties and also her frens .. then we went back home .. went there is nt really fun but at least better than nothing to do at home ..
my mummy nw .. omg .. revels in taiwanese drama --- <命中注定我爱你>' You Are My Destiny ' .. can't bear her .. burn the midnight oil just wanted to watch the drama .. make me no tv to watch at nite .. so bad =(
this holidays is really very very boring .. haix .. 12th dec wil be attending cousin's wedding dinner at kuantan .. other than tuition i thk i will be stuck at home and waiting to rust ... haix .. hope can go out v frens as soon as possibble .. lin, zhen, yeng, vv .. where r u guys???? lolz ..



I couldn't online these few days as the stupid internet connection was very very weak due to raining .. damn angry and boring ..

* recollection *


Bus uncle didn't fetch us to school anymore .. so we have to settle by ourselves if we want to go school .. monday i went and fetch by yeng's dad .. tues yeng's sis nt going so we din go .. after tat lin n DJ msg me asked me to go school because tcher said if i still absent she is going to give me warning letter as i ponteng for more than 10 times .. so wed i went .. actually thurs i managed to go and fri will nt going .. but yeng's sis nt going on thurs so i gt no transport to go .. ended up to stay at home .. at skul relly very boring .. we just chit-chat and keep taking photo .. lin now became very brave d .. she dare to put her phone in the drawer and used it as she like (pei fu pei fu .. wanna learn from u d, daring .. hehe^^) .. i was shock when saw she put her phone on the drawer ..


went Neway chiong k v family n cousin .. having our dinner there .. ate a lot of foods as the foods can be taken as u like .. we were singing in a frenzy of joy .. aunt was dancing and shaking her body along with the music .. everyone fell about when she started to shake her body .. we get a champagne for free as one of us's burfday on nov .. then the manager went in wanted to help us take a photo .. we continued singing until 11.30 onli we went home .. about 12.30 onli we reached home .. it's really fun n fantastic .. hope i can go there again =)

> daddy & mummy was singing <

> mummy & I <


Planned not to go skul anymore until fri onli go to get report card .. but lin msg me n vv on monday asked both of us must go skul on wed to finish our bio peka .. at 1st we planned nt to go and will do it next year .. but lin told vv quite lots to copy .. so vv told me if nt finish on this yr next yr we got no time to finish it .. so i asked thong accompany me to go skul by public bus as yeng need to go for trainning n interview .. but thong gt no skul on wed because spm started .. so i asked my aunt to fetch me .. i reached skul at about 9.30 .. i entered the class .. there was no tcher in the class .. i quickly asked vv give me the peka to copy .. she finished copy and chit-chating v shin wei n DJ .. then she just gv me 2 papers and told me tats all .. i was like .. wat?? just tat?? if onli tat then we need not come to skul and might copy it next yr .. but i still copied and passed it to sharon .. we gt ntg to do then .. just keep playing v our phones .. keep misscalled lin for fun (sry ya lin coz u absent we gt ntg to do .. miss u so much .. hahaXD) .. about 1.20 thong reached skul then we went for tuition .. we had our lunch at pizza hut .. this yr we quite often had our lunch at pizza hut .. lolz
