

Today will be a super boring day .. sis fren will be coming again to do their homeworks .. they will be using com too .. so i gt no com to use .. watch TV ??? dunno whether gt any nice show or nt .. chiann wei din at home so couldn't go and find her .. boring arhhhh .. what to do ???
yesterday can't slp .. about 2sth only slp .. then woke up at 6.30 .. omg .. going to bang wall d .. just slp about 4 hrs .. I WANT SLP !!! but i can't .. why why why ??? haix ..



= Tagged by Kai Lin =

32 Things You Dont Know About Me Until You Read This : -

1. What colour is your toothbrush :
~ Yellow.

2. Name one person that made you smile today :
~ Chiann Wei.

3. What were you doing at 8 AM? :
~ Sleeping lo.

4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? :
~ Having my dinner -- Maggie =(

5. What was the last thing you had to drink? :
~ Water.

6. Who was the last person you sent a message to on Facebook? :
~ Siew Yin. Burfday wishes ..

7. Ever go camping? :
~ Nop.

8. Do you go to church every Sunday? :
~ No, i'm nt Christian.

9. What did your last text message say? :
~ I'm watching TV.

10. Where is your dad? :
~ Home.

11. Look to your left. What do you see? :
~ My phone & my bottle.

12. What colour is your watch? :
~ White. but the battery has run down +_+

13. What were you doing at midnight last night? :
~ Sms-ing.

14. How old are you? :
~ Sixteen.

15. Do you want to change your name? :
~ Nop. Why i want to change it? I thk it's nice XD

16. How many kids do you want to have? :
~ 2 i thk it's enough ..

17. Would you kiss any of your facebook friends? :
~ Nop.

18. Who are the best huggers that you know? :
~ Wee square & Lin^^

19. List three favourite colors/shades :
~ Pink, Purple & Yellow.

20. Have you ever fallen in love? :
~ Yes.

21. How did you get your worst scar? :
~ An accident.

22. Do you like cats? :
~ NO .. I hate them .. they are so scary ..

23. Do you love anyone? :
~ Yeap .. My family members lorhh .. haha

24. What do you hope to get on your birthday? :
~ Have no idea right now.

25. Do you plan any trip for your next coming? :
~ Yea .. Kuantan.

26. What do you usually do during the day? :
~ Watching TV - Online - Tuition .. Sth like tat ..

27. Do you hate anyone that you know right now? :
~ No gua.

28. Is anyone jealous of you? :
~ How i know??

29. Favourite pair of shoes you wear all the time :
~ Slippers.

30. Last song listened to? :
~ Chinese song.

31. Who's the last person you talked on the phone? :
~ Chiann Wei

32. What is your favourite number? :
~ 2/6

Tag 5 people to do the same thing :
1. kah yean
2. vi lynn
3. -
4. -
5. -
Most of my frens were tagged !

Fun day. =)

Today very boring doing nothing at home .. at first chiann wei said want to come my house but after that my sis's frens came .. so i msg her told her tat i will be going her house .. we were chit-chatting around and on facebook viewing other's photos .. while i was playing with my phone in her room then she took the opportunity to record what i was doing .. at first i tot she just wanted to take a photo who knows she was recording .. at the same time she was laughing wildly like a madwoman because of my doing .. after that she showed the video to her sis and also her mother .. omg .. it's such a fool .. they were laughing around .. then she said she is going to post it on facebook .. she repeated watching the video and cachinnating .. couldn't bear her .. i keep begged her don't post .. then she said she wanna take my photos asked me to be her model .. then i was like an obedient dog obeyed her orders .. did some silly act for her to take the photos .. she looked at the photos and keep laughing .. both of us like a crazy people .. laughing and playing around .. tomorrow she is going to listen undang .. so nobody is going to accompany me .. have to face my boring life again .. haix ..

> bad gurl <

> like siao po <