
The 'Event' of the Year

The thing that I’m most afraid of finally happened. Today!!! Okay let me calm down first. *takes a deep breath* Our school has this Program Sekolah Selamat this whole week. I ponteng on Monday as I went to the graveyard to clean the grave. Today, a policeman came to our school. He talked about how we should obey the rules on the road. His voice was practically BOOMING across the mic. He was acting all weird and girlish-ly.. Bla-bla-bla-bla.. After all the talking, he showed us all this horrifying pics : people with severe head injuries, neck, their hands and legs dismantle from their bodies and eyes popping out of their sockets. It’s the creepiest scene you can ever imagine. I was practically closing my eyes all the time. I was really afraid !! Then it was Q&A time. I was feeling restless already. He was saying something that I could not hear clearly. He was choosing someone to be his assistant in front. We have to wear this baju that is shiny with the word ‘POLIS’ on it. I rested my head and the next thing I know, he was POINTING AT ME !!!!! Everybody was mumbling something so when I looked up all I can see was his finger right at me. I remember looking left and right. I also asked V about it but she only kept laughing. Finally Lin told me that it was me he’s pointing at. Arrrggggghhhhhh !!! I almost screamed. I didn’t know what to do but I had to get up right?? So reluctantly, I got up and put on that weird baju thingy. He gave me this “Star Wars” stick to hold. It can light up in different ways y’know. It’s really a great device. It also functions as a mic at the tip of the stick. You just have to talk at that place and it really amplifies your voice. Cool hor?? But anyways it was a good experience for me. I have never been called out there. At first I was really scared but later I was feeling proud. Weird huh? In the end he gave me this band thingy that was fluorescent. I went back to my place and sat. After that, my friends started to call me Madam. They were like, “Yes Madam !” It's so funny ..

This post was written by V as my english is nt good enough to express my feeling ...
V, thanks for ur help ya !!! ^^

zhen & dyxx .. both of u missed the show .. it's too bad =(

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