
I'm Back !!!

I'm Back !!!!!!

Finally mid-year exam is over ...
i think i'm the most late person who are going to update my blog after the exam ..
all of my frens already updated their profile as the exam was over ..
my results for this exam will be very very bad even worse as the questions need me to write essays and so on ..
but nvm because this time i really din't work as hard as i can so i surrender ..
dun talk about exam already ..

my burfday is coming soon .. yeahhh so happiie ..
but my darling gonna go for table tenis tournament on my burfday =(
every year my burfday she will be in the tournament .. so bad ..
she said she will remember to msg me on tat day ... hope she wont forget ..

On the other hand, next month my blog 1 year old already ..
Happy anniversary to my blog^^


EXAM !!!

Midyear exam is around the corner & i haven't start study yet ... OMG .. i don't know how to sit for the exams with the SPM Format .. it's really .. haizzz ...

Will be disappeared until 28th may ..

Good Luck for all those who's going to face their midyear exam .. Gambateh !!!



Today, Labour Day .. we needed not go for school & my parents needed not work too .. so we planned to go for a picnic at Pantai Morib ..

>cousin & sis were playing the seesaw<

>me & the windmill<

>I was playing the kite<

>bro was playing the kite<
>the monkey was drinking water<
Besides, today is Szu Woei's burfday ..
``Szu, Happy Burfday``
~ may all ur dreamz come true
~ all the best
~ happy & sm!l3 always
~ take care