
The sky has been drenched by the rain
And has been ruined particularly to its finest detail.
Looking from the windowsill I shall tell this with a sigh.
I regreted being impulsive.
Flipping through the photographs I then looked at the sky
Tranquil , silent and vivid
A rainbow appeared behind the thick layer of mist
Awaken from my dream, I took the courage to set the final destination
For my love
Neglecting the seasons of the year, I wait for your return
The warmth can be felt beyond a thousand miles.
The rustling of the leaves outside reminds me of you when we are together
The sky is gray as if it has been crying profusely
Similar to when you left
By flipping the coin I thought
Fate could be decided seriously
A promise made when growing up together
Yet couldn’t be fulfilled
I let the wind blow my hair
Waiting for a thunderstorm
Hoping it will remind you to remember me.
written by : emo prince


Wohoo .. Holidays lerr .. damn hapiie but a lot of homeworks are waiting for me to complete .. haix
Today me, vv & lin were ponteng sekolah .. our holidays start from 2dy .. haha .. we all were very very lazy to go skul as there is nothing to do at skul ..
My holidays is full of homeworks and tuition .. hope i stil can enjoy my holidays well ...
On the other hand, my piano exam is coming soon .. it's on next thursday ... so scary .. Due to my laziness i couldn't play well because din practice for it .. hope tat day i can play them as well as possible and do nt fail my exam if nt it's just a waste ... God Bless Me !!!


Convent Canteen Day finally is over !!!!
Actually me n yeng planned to back home at 1sth by uncle bus but at last we ended up to go back at 3sth by public bus as yeng was helping 4L class at basketball court .. Both of us ponteng addmaths class as we cant reach home before 4pm ..
My fren's coupons didn't use finish and he gave it to me .. i still thought can give it back teacher on monday but yeng told me if the coupons money was paid it can't return back .. after tat i asked my class teacher .. she said the same thing == .. so before back i have to finished it if nt the coupons were wasted .. so both of us were walking around to spend the coupons .. but as the time was late so there is nothing much to buy .. u know hw we spend the coupons?? we bought 1.5litre soft drinks for rm5 coupons ... it's so expensive but no choice .. haiz ..
This yr canteen day was nt very fun .. yeng said next yr we better go for shopping on tat day .. wahaha

>Vv, Lin & Miie<

berpura-pura doing work .. capture for moral kerja amal .. haha

tattoo on my face=)

capture while waiting for the public bus

yeng is trying to untie the knot

finally she open it>.<

our shadow .. nice??? haha ..