
The sky has been drenched by the rain
And has been ruined particularly to its finest detail.
Looking from the windowsill I shall tell this with a sigh.
I regreted being impulsive.
Flipping through the photographs I then looked at the sky
Tranquil , silent and vivid
A rainbow appeared behind the thick layer of mist
Awaken from my dream, I took the courage to set the final destination
For my love
Neglecting the seasons of the year, I wait for your return
The warmth can be felt beyond a thousand miles.
The rustling of the leaves outside reminds me of you when we are together
The sky is gray as if it has been crying profusely
Similar to when you left
By flipping the coin I thought
Fate could be decided seriously
A promise made when growing up together
Yet couldn’t be fulfilled
I let the wind blow my hair
Waiting for a thunderstorm
Hoping it will remind you to remember me.
written by : emo prince

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