



To My Best Fren ~ Zhen^^

可是,在你最失意、最需要朋友的支持的时候我竟然离你远去。。 因为我不知如何是好。。 我已经用尽了所有的方法开导你。。可是却无效。。那时我很伤心也很失望。。所以只好保持沉默。。因为也许沉默是最好的。。
可是我们常常讨论该怎么办,怎么和你沟通。。可大家一直不敢踏出第一步,也许怕你受伤也更怕自己受伤吧!!! 我们是不是很自私???
我真得很开心。。因为自己是你重视的朋友。。但也很愧疚之前那样的对你。。 想对你说声对不起。。 希望你能原谅我。。好吗??

Zhen, Gambateh !!!!!!!!!! You Are The Best !!!!!!
Take Good Care Of Yourself .. Your Friends Are Always By Your Sides ...


Six things i'm passionate about

* family
* friends
* music
* foods (haha .. stupid, right??)
* movies
* leng zai =.="

Six things i say too often

* 屁啦 !!!
* 你的头啦 !!!
* 莫名其妙 !!!
* Your head la !!!
* What the ... !!!
* Swt ... =.=

Six books i've read recently

* Green Angle
* Pride and Prejudice
* Love in the Lifts
* 天使街23号
* 那些年我们一起追的女孩
* 月光下的鱼

Six songs i can listen to again and again and again

* Inconsolable - Backstreet Boys
* I Knew I Loved You - Savage Garden
* Nowhere To Go - Backstreet Boys
* 疼爱-萧敬腾
* 多希望你在-萧敬腾
* 微笑的起点-范玮琪 张韶涵 郭静

Six things i learnt in the Past year

* study hard
* dun fall in love on someone who doesn't love u ..
* be happy !!!
* don't take things too serious ..
* open - minded
* 别把无聊的事记在心上


Robbery Incident

Today about 5 o'clock morning, my neighbour's house has been robbed ... the gate of his house was opened ... and the doors inside was opened too when my neighbour woke up ... he was panic because all the keys of the house has been stolen ... jewelleries and money which kept in the drawer in the room has been stolen too ... but the most absurd things is he didn't heard any sounds when the robber went into his room ... his car is also drove away by the robber silently ... the dog wasn't bark at all ... i wondered how the robber stole the car such silent which the car is placed inside the house ... it's very awful ...



2dy tcher showed us the midyear exam's results ... my results seem inconceiveable ... i got 3A 5B 1C for the exam still can placed above 20 ... reali unbelievable ... but i'm quite happy 2 get such results coz i had study hard 4 the exam ... i'm satisfy v it ... but i still will try my best and study harder for the cuming exam n dun let the results 2 get bad ...



i'm new 2 this blog ... so tat dunno hw 2 edit it ... my fren, ViVian had helped me a lot .. so i want 2 thank her 4 helping me 2 edit this blog ... i like it very much ...

** ViVian , Thank You ^^


Fresh Post

my first post ... i have no idea what to write ... my friends were all persuading me to create a blog ... at first i hesitated as i was thinking probably i will have absoutely nothing to write in my blog ... then my blog will be left to die slowly .... but finally , i created this blog .... i hope i will have a good time posting my thoughts and opinions in my blog .... ^^