

Six things i'm passionate about

* family
* friends
* music
* foods (haha .. stupid, right??)
* movies
* leng zai =.="

Six things i say too often

* 屁啦 !!!
* 你的头啦 !!!
* 莫名其妙 !!!
* Your head la !!!
* What the ... !!!
* Swt ... =.=

Six books i've read recently

* Green Angle
* Pride and Prejudice
* Love in the Lifts
* 天使街23号
* 那些年我们一起追的女孩
* 月光下的鱼

Six songs i can listen to again and again and again

* Inconsolable - Backstreet Boys
* I Knew I Loved You - Savage Garden
* Nowhere To Go - Backstreet Boys
* 疼爱-萧敬腾
* 多希望你在-萧敬腾
* 微笑的起点-范玮琪 张韶涵 郭静

Six things i learnt in the Past year

* study hard
* dun fall in love on someone who doesn't love u ..
* be happy !!!
* don't take things too serious ..
* open - minded
* 别把无聊的事记在心上

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