
Last Saturday, i have learnt how to bake cookies !!! it was very exciting .. teacher have gave us the recipe .. we just used the ingredients that teacher was preapared for us and followed the steps to did it .. vivian was my patner, she was too excited to bake the cookies so before teacher started the lesson she already took out all the things that teacher asked us to bring and put it on the table to wait for the teacher to said 'START' .. haha .. she is so funny .. we just mixed all the ingredients in a bowl and gaul it(but we forgot 1 step that teacher asked us to do cause we too excited already.. haha)after that we put the adunan on a dulang and put in some chocolate chips and riceballs which brought from home by my friend, yeng .. after that we put it in the oven to bake ... after few minutes, we took out the cookies, teacher praised our cookies was the beautiest among all because of the colourful riceballs and the cherry(forgot to take down the picture) .. we were very happy .. but the cake that did by my friends were hangus because they too excited untill forgot to take care of their cake .. very ke xi .. but we shared our cake and cookies .. i brought the cookies back home to give my sis and mummy to test it .. but they said that it was lack of sugar but still very nice^^ i was very happy because can bake cokkies with my friends .. i'm waiting for another baking lesson after holidays!!


I was absent for 2 days because i was sick .. it's really suffering .. i couldn't eat for the 1st 2 days .. when i ate i felt wanna vomit .. i told mummy i looked like a pregnant lady who felt wanna vomit all the time .. haha .. yesterday i was absent because i'm still unwell .. besides a ceramah about lesbianisme will be held so i thought it will be very boring .. therefore i told mummy i better rested at home ... when i went to get the homeworks from my friend only i knew that i was miscalculated .. the ceramah was cancelled .. but even the ceramah was going on i still wouldn't went for school .. haha ... cause i felt very sleepy and also lazy ... kaka .. and my friend told me the days i absent had some funny things happened .. i was waiting to know what funny things had happened .. monday i wanna get to know it from my friends .. hehe


2 bad news :

1. UB3 is coming soon .. it's on 4th - 7th Aug ...

2. PMR Trial's date had been changed .. it's now on 11th - 15th Aug ...

I'm going 2 get mad ... it's sick for me to do preparation for this 2 examination .. i don't know how to face it ... can someone teach me what to do???
i haven't prepared yet ... and i don't know how to start it .. some more the syllabus haven't finish study ... how to face PMR Trial???? stupid stupid stupid !!!!!!! HATE IT !!!!


* L!n *

* L!n & M!e *

Tomorrow is Kailin's burfday ..

Let's wish her here and sing a burfday's song for her ..

~ Happy Burfday to You ..

~ Happy Burfday to You ..

~ Happy Burfday to Kailin ..

~ Happy Burfday to YOU !!!!!

`` May all ur dreams come true ..

`` All the best ya ..

`` Get straight A's in PMR ..

`` Sm!L3 & Hap!!33 Alwayzzz ^.^

`` Gambat3h !!!!!!!!!!!


I didn't post for a long time already .. because the internet's connection was so bad .. few days cannot connected ... i was so angry .. but it's ok still .. cause i don't know what to post yet ... hehe ..
Last monday, my ex-classmate which just came back from NZ had bought my friends and I some chocolates .. the content of chocolates is kiwi's flavour .. it's very nice .. actually i just joking with him tat i want chocolates when he come bek ... but he took it so serious .. i'm so happy have such a friend .. he is friendly and kind .. he won't rejected anyone whom asked him for help .. he really is a great friend of mine ...
~ all the best for him ..
~ gud luck !!!

** thanks for the chocolates ** ^.^