
Last Saturday, i have learnt how to bake cookies !!! it was very exciting .. teacher have gave us the recipe .. we just used the ingredients that teacher was preapared for us and followed the steps to did it .. vivian was my patner, she was too excited to bake the cookies so before teacher started the lesson she already took out all the things that teacher asked us to bring and put it on the table to wait for the teacher to said 'START' .. haha .. she is so funny .. we just mixed all the ingredients in a bowl and gaul it(but we forgot 1 step that teacher asked us to do cause we too excited already.. haha)after that we put the adunan on a dulang and put in some chocolate chips and riceballs which brought from home by my friend, yeng .. after that we put it in the oven to bake ... after few minutes, we took out the cookies, teacher praised our cookies was the beautiest among all because of the colourful riceballs and the cherry(forgot to take down the picture) .. we were very happy .. but the cake that did by my friends were hangus because they too excited untill forgot to take care of their cake .. very ke xi .. but we shared our cake and cookies .. i brought the cookies back home to give my sis and mummy to test it .. but they said that it was lack of sugar but still very nice^^ i was very happy because can bake cokkies with my friends .. i'm waiting for another baking lesson after holidays!!

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