
I was absent for 2 days because i was sick .. it's really suffering .. i couldn't eat for the 1st 2 days .. when i ate i felt wanna vomit .. i told mummy i looked like a pregnant lady who felt wanna vomit all the time .. haha .. yesterday i was absent because i'm still unwell .. besides a ceramah about lesbianisme will be held so i thought it will be very boring .. therefore i told mummy i better rested at home ... when i went to get the homeworks from my friend only i knew that i was miscalculated .. the ceramah was cancelled .. but even the ceramah was going on i still wouldn't went for school .. haha ... cause i felt very sleepy and also lazy ... kaka .. and my friend told me the days i absent had some funny things happened .. i was waiting to know what funny things had happened .. monday i wanna get to know it from my friends .. hehe

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