
malacca ...

I went Malacca with my friend and her family.. early morning my friend called me when i was still sleeping.. my sis asked me to answer phone call and i was so angry that who is the stupid fellow disturbed me early morning.. when i answered the call my friend told me tat they are going Malacca A'Famosa Water World.. she asked me wanted to follow or not.. after i prepared she came fetch me.. about 9 o'clock morning we moved off.. after 1 hour journey we had arrived there.. her sis bought the tickets and the tickets were so expensive.. an adult's ticket was about rm50++.. i had got a shock.. after buying the tickets we went in and started to play water.. we went to the swimming pool to play for a while after that we rented the lifebuoy to play the water games.. it was so fun.. my friend who was so scared was screaming all the way and we all were laughing at her.. when we felt hungry we had our lunch.. after that we went to relax ourself by floating on the water... about 2.30pm we went for bath and prepared to go for the other destinations.. before tat we planned to go Malacca history's places but because of the traffic jam we had to call off our plan.. so we just can went for dinner... i sat inside the car for about 4 hours on the journey from the Malacca back to Banting for our dinner... the stupid traffic jam and also the ppl who had no manners kept on cut in the line made us can't move.. it was so boring inside the car and i can do nothing.. although the journey was quite boring because of the traffic jam but the trip was very fun and i enjoyed it very much... i hope that i can go there again with my friends.. Thank you my friend,chiann wei and also her family invited me to go along with them...

Today is national day and also my friend>jilyne's birthday ..
Let's sing birthday song to her here...
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to jilyne,
Happy birthday to you.....
* may all ur dreams come true..
* wish you all the best..
* good luck in ur PMR and get 8A's for it ya^^
* gambateh yohh!!! jia you jia you jia you^^


Today my school celebrate 'Hari Kemerdekaan' .. my friends and I was ponteng because we think that the celebration will be very boring .. so we manage to stay at home online and so on .. and monday is also public holiday .. so we hv 4 days to rest and also prepare for the trial which is cuming soon ..



Today was the preliminary contest of pakaian tradisional .. my class only have one person took part and she had the qualification to go for another round .. and my friend, elaine was talking about the girls who wearing sexy clothes and showed the sexy body to the guys .. and another friend, kailin was told us tat she watched a movie that is the girls put a bottle of beer with straw at her young ditch and asked the old man to drink it.. we all were shouting and laughing .. suddenly, kailin was shouting .. she said got blood .. we all were staring at her for a moment after that we burst into laughter and teased her she was recollecting the movie cause her flew the nosebleed .. she kept on rebuttal but failed because we did not want to listen to her and she just kept quiet .. it's so funny .. today i passed my school life with laughter and also sorrow because my trial results were not so good and i have to study hard for another trial .. Good Luck & Gambateh for those who is going to face the coming trial and also the PMR & SPM!!!!


Time goes fast .. 1 week holidays are going to over .. i hope that got another 1 week holidays:( because i didn't do any revision .. other than went for tuition .. i'm so so so lazy to do revision .. Although i still don't know my PMR Trial's results but i think the results wouldn't be good n maybe very bad .. Before this i decided to study hard in this holidays but i didn't do it .. so after this holidays i have to try my best study hard for the PMR already ... i have to do it !!! JIA YOU !!


Trial is gonna finish tomorrow ... just left one more paper to go - Chinese ... i'm so happy but also quite scared .. because i didn't do well in my trial .. all careless mistake i have did ... i'm quite dissapointed of myself this time ... i will study hard for the rest of the exams and also for PMR .. i hope my trial exam's results wouldn't be so bad .. GAMBATEH !!! GOOD LUCK for myself and all those who were sat for the exam ... JIA YOU JIA YOU JIA YOU !!!!!!!


英文中的stressed (壓力),與 desserts (甜點)兩字,有很微妙的相關。是什麼相關呢? 仔細一瞧,好像沒什麼關係嘛! 可是,再看一下,咦, stressed 這個字從後面倒過來拼寫,不就是 desserts 嗎? 所以,「Stressed is just desserts if you can reverse. 」 (壓力就是甜點,只要你能逆向觀看。)

哈,這真是有趣的妙論呀!人生之中,有許多「壓力、挫折」,但只要轉個念、換個角度看, 它也就是我們生命中的「甜點」呀!

此外,也有人說: 「人生就像一碗飯,一半是甜的,一半是苦的, 你不知道會先吃到哪一邊,但終究必須把飯吃完。」是呀,生命有甜、有苦、有酸、也有辣; 但都必須去經歷它、走過它呀!

有一個小學老師在偏遠的鄉里教書, 這天,他來到自己班上的教室, 問班上的小朋友:「你們大家有沒有討厭的人啊」 小朋友們想了想,有的未作聲,有的則猛力地點點頭。老師接著便發給每人一個袋子,說: 「我們來玩一個遊戲。現在大家想想看,過去這一 週, 曾有那些人得罪過你他到底做了怎麼樣可惡的事想到後, 就利用放學時間到河邊去找一塊石頭,把他的名字給用小紙條貼在石頭上如果他實在很過份, 你就找一塊大一點的石頭,如果他的錯是小錯, 你就找一塊小一點的石頭。 每天把戰利品用袋子裝到學校來給老師看哦!」學生們感到非常有趣且新鮮, 放學後,每個人都搶著到河邊去找石頭。第二天一早, 大家都把裝著從河邊撿來的鵝卵石的袋子帶到學校來, 興高采烈地討論著。一天過去了,兩天過去了,三天過? h了….. , 有的人的袋子越裝越大,幾乎成了負擔。 終於,有人提出了抗議「老師,好累喔」老師笑了笑沒說話?

A 立刻又有人接著喊: 「對啊每天背著這些石頭來上課, 好累喔 」這時,老師終於開口了, 她笑著說:「那就放下這些代表著別人過犯的石頭吧」 孩子們有些訝異,老師又接著講: 「學習寬恕別人的過犯 , 不要把它當寶一樣的記在心上,扛在肩上, 時間久了,任誰也受不了…」 這個星期,這班的同學上到了人生中極寶貴的一課。 袋裡裝入越多、越大的「石頭」,心中存留越多、越深的仇恨, 所造成的負擔就越重。


This passage posted on the newspaper, i felt it is meaningful so i copied and pasted it ...