
I'll Miss You.. Lolx

Today Sarah told me that her mum asked her no need to change class .. so that yeng cant change to my class already .. i'm very sad because cannot same class v her .. But i still hope everythings would be fine .. Our Eg's heart is still together .. Hahaha .. Yeng n Zhen, dun worry .. i will miss u 2 although we just seperated by the 'iron pieces' ... lolxx .. u 2 aso must miss me o .. hehe ..
Besides, miss our lao da, elaine so much since she had change 2 MGS this yr.. hope that she can adapt the new life in a new environment without us(although i know she sure can do it but then we all r still trying to adapt the life without her) .. haha .. also hope that she wont 4get us ..

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