
I'm Back !!!

Hey guys,

I'm Back !!!!!

It had been a long time for my last post. One year and two months i was left my blog empty. Last year i was busy preparing for my SPM. And now. I was totally free. Rotten at home for few months. Everyone was starting their college life. How about me? I'm still a rotten apple. Being LIFELESS.
Actually I planned to study Form 6 after getting my results. Who knows. A lot of people was telling me not to do so. They told me the pros and cons of Form 6. At last I ended up with Colleges. 
At first, I wanted to go TAR College since the tuition fees is the cheapest. But my mum disagreed. She said the area was so complicated and dangerous. She asked me to go to MMU at Malacca. Alright. I started my research on MMU. It supposed to be Foundation in Engineering but at last ended up with Diploma in Accounting. Surprise? LOL. * I love Account actually.*
I will be going for June intake in MMU Malacca. But i haven't apply yet. Lazy XD. I think I will be going to MMU at Cyberjaya soon to have a look at the environment. I can't study at Cyberjaya because there is no diploma course offered there.
I miss my friends so much although we just met up few weeks ago. Miss all my darlings especially Lin Darling and Jil Darling. I have not see them after our last outing =(
Two months later I will be starting my new life at a different state. Sounds fresh. But I'm still worried. I hope I can have new friends like my darlings who helped me a lot during high school. Miss high school's moments !!!

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