
Unlucky Yet Happy Day =D

Yesterday I went to PC Fair at PWTC . The day before yin zhen called me to go for work at PC Fair . I tried my best to arrange transport to bring me to Klang so that I can meet yin zhen and we wait for the supervisor at Klang Parade . After that set off to PWTC . The day was an unlucky day . Exactly unlucky. We were late without inform . Thus , we were fired by the leader. We became purposeless . We got no jobs at PC Fair . Both of us were walking around the PC Fair without any purposes . Luckily Peter was there . He went there early in the morning with her sister . He used to come and find us and bring us to KLCC as we were hungry and hunting for foods . LOL . Three of us went to KLCC and having our lunch at KFC . After our lunch , we were walking around KLCC . Captured photos (some of the photos were in zhen's camera) . After that we went to Sushi King to rest as our legs were tired. We were having Green Tea and chit-chatting around at Sushi King . These are what we did on the unlucky yet happy day . LOL .

Me =D . Captured by using [LOMO] effect .

Zhen . Captured by using [Retro] effect .

Peter at KFC .

Thinking answers to answer zhen's questions .

Captured by using [Japanese Style] effect .

 Me . Without any effect =)

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