
Robbery Incident

Today about 5 o'clock morning, my neighbour's house has been robbed ... the gate of his house was opened ... and the doors inside was opened too when my neighbour woke up ... he was panic because all the keys of the house has been stolen ... jewelleries and money which kept in the drawer in the room has been stolen too ... but the most absurd things is he didn't heard any sounds when the robber went into his room ... his car is also drove away by the robber silently ... the dog wasn't bark at all ... i wondered how the robber stole the car such silent which the car is placed inside the house ... it's very awful ...


Anonymous said...

your neighbour?
our ex- classmate???
o the other one??

Anonymous said...

wow ... that's really awful , so how's your neighbour doing now , i hope he is ok ... haiz , nowadays so many things happen ... must be extra careful lor ...

ShaN said...

vi vian,
he's ok gua .. hehe ... kk ..
neighbour lorhh ... aiya .. dunno la .. i nt so clear also .. juz noe tat onli