
RIMUP Programme

I went for RIMUP programme this Tuesday at Taman Rakyat, Sri Andalas .. 40 students from our school and 40 students from SMK Teluk Gadong had been there to take part in this programme .. We started off from our school around 8.00am and reached Taman Rakyat about 8.30am ..
Our school's teacher had divided us into 8 groups and the same to Teluk Gadong's students .. I was in group 6 actually but i changed with Sharon to group 7 because Vv was in group 7 .. Yeng, Lin & Zhen were in group 3 while Jil & Dujia were in group 2 .. After that we had to line up followed the number given and started our first activity that's senamrobik guided by En. Afri & Pn. Khor ..
At first we were not familiar with the Teluk Gadong's students .. we just dancing, laughing & talking among ourselves .. After that we went for jogging .. After jogging, we had to go to our groups and it's the time for ice breaking .. My group had got no chinese & indian students from Teluk Gadong .. There were only 4 malay boys & 1 malay gal .. They were very friendly .. Before the introduction, our group was fulled of laughter .. we were just laughing all over .. after that one of the boys from Teluk Gadong started to say something and we started to introduce ourselves(between this got lots of funny matters happened but i'm very lazy to write down) .. We had to choose a leader and create a group name and slogan for our group .. Our group named 'Fantastic 7' ..
Our group members :
*SMK Teluk Gadong*
~ Suzy-the only malay gal
~ Taufik(Mr.Bean)-a guy looked like Mr.bean so that we called him Mr.Bean
~ Safik(our group leader)-a very expansive person & also the one who made us laught a lot
~ Raihan-the 1st person who started the conversation
~ Irwan-a gentle & quiet guy
~ Me
~ Vv
~ Vino
~ Evelyn
~ Parvin
Then, we had sukaneka which was the main point of this programme .. We played many games(about 5 games i think) .. All the games needed the cooperation of each group members to gain success .. All the games were carried out under the hot sun ..After each games, we had a break .. so me & Vv were chitchat with Taufik .. He was very conversational so we talked a lot .. I even sang Mr.Bean song in front of him .. He was just smiling & laughing and told me that he was called Mr.Bean by his friends in school and now we called him Mr.Bean still ..
Times runned fast .. This programme came to an end .. After the prize giving ceremony, we had to go back school .. We were reluctant to part with the new friends we had just knew .. But we still had to leave them ..We did not had any pictures with our group members ..
At first me and Vv managed to have a picture with Taufik but we did not take the picture because we did not know whether he is willing to take picture with us or not .. so when we in the bus, Taufik was sitting on the crub .. So i zoomed in my phone's camera and took Taufik's picture ..
When the bus was going to leave, Safik & Taufik waved with us by showing '7' sign .. So me & Vv also waved with the '7' sign to them ..
I missed them a lot although we had been to know each other and we had together just for a short while .. I hope i still can meet them & have fun with them ..
`` If we have the luck, we will meet again ..
>Lin, Zhen, Jil, Me, Vv & Yeng in front of the school gate<

>Pn Gauri with us< >Lin was so cute in this pic<
>Up: Lin, Me & Vv; Down: Dujia, Jil & Zhen<

>Me& Vv in the bus<
>half of Zhen's face was dissapeared<

>Me& Zhen<


For Vv

Vi Vian :

Birthday Graphics

~ MaY AlL YouR Dr3amzZz Com3 tru3 ..

~ All th3 b3sT ..

~ HapiI3 AlwAyS ..

~ Sm!l3 AlwaYs ..

~ Go0d LucK !!!

~ GaMbAt3H^^

~ Hop3 yoU caN f0rGeT alL Th3 unHapPy Th!nGs .. Che3r Up ya !!!

* Fr!enDsHiP F0rEvEr *

Just From :

Karnival Samatevo

>[From left]Cik Norhayati, lin, me, zhen, yeng, vv & dujia<

>vv, lin, me & zhen<

>me & vv with our roket<

>when receiving the trophy<



Do you know what a 'FRIEND' is???
~A friend is a person who comes and won't judge a flower by its colour.
~A friend is a person who will comfort you when storms of tears are in your mind.
~A friend is a person who will just have some fun with you and give you a good laugh.
~A friend is a person that doesn't mind expressing their happy or sad feelings to you.
~A friend is someone who doesn't dump you and who helps you when you get hurt.
~A friend is someone who says they are sorry when they do something to hurt your feelings.
~A friend is someone who never hurts you and cares for you.
~A friend is someone who you can depend on.
~A friend is someone who you can tell secrets to.

I still couldn't figure out why did you do that and how could u do that??? She's your friend !!!
You knew everything about that guy but still you did that .. Don't you felt guilty or what??? And the worst thing is you still can pretend as a nice person in front of your friend ..
Your friend is really hurt .. You totally hurt her you know??? She treat you as a friend or even best friend but you had make her dissapointed .. you just do whatever you want .. you don't even care your friend's feeling and you just do what you like ..
I know I have no rights to say anything .. But as a friend i still hope my friend wouldn't get any hurt ..
Hey my friend, you still have us to be with you ^^


Glorious Masterpiece

I think i am the last person among our group(group members-lin&vv)who just post about the feather in our cap ..
We got 2nd for our roket air .. Hurray !!!^^
When teacher gave us percubaan for our roket .. we used my roket to do percubaan .. the roket flew over the roof but the parachute didn't open .. the most important thing in this game is our parachute must be opened up otherwise our shoot may disqualified .. we were very worried about the parachute of my roket can't open ..
So, when the 1st trial, we used lin's roket .. at 1st the roket shot and the parachute opened up but unfortunately the parachute was get rid of the roket and flew in the opposite direction .. 3 of us very very sad because we were disqualified .. but we still have 2nd trial .. so we talked to our roket .. asked it to cooperate so tat we can have a successful shoot .. haha .. funny right??
When 2nd trial, the roket really listened to us .. it did a good job .. it shot high and the parachute opened perfectly .. we(vv, lin, yeng, zhen, dyxx & I)were just screaming and shouting because before this we were very nervous .. the duration for the roket is 7.4 secs .. Although it's not a very long time compared to the others, it's still a nice result .. So, we placed 2nd ..
After that, the teacher in-charged told us we got another chance as our 1st trial was failed .. we were shouting due to the happiness .. This time the roket shot higher than our school building(about 3 stories building) .. i was just shouting like a mad girl .. but my parachute=( .. it didn't not openeddddddd ... arhhhh ... so sad='( .. maybe the atmospheric pressure of the surrounding was higher so that the cone can't peeled off .. if the competition is about height, i think we are the champion ..
Overall, we got 2nd for roket air .. we were very very happy because we didn't expect to get any prizes as we sought feet at the last moment .. we just hope the roket can shoot and the parachute can open .. So, the today's result was praiseworthy and we were very proud of it ..
Air roket really amusing great ... if you got the chance to take part you must not give up ... it's really fantastic .. hope next year i still gt the chance to play it ..
To my group members-lin & Vv ,
U guys including me did a good job .. give ownself a clap^^
Result is not important, the most important thing is the process ..
We deserved it because we cooperated to get the work done ..
Don't ever and never blame yourself that you didn't do well or barely helped .. We must happy and proud that we can tolerate each other to finish our work ..
To my sis,
Thanks that you sacrificed your time for helping me to do the roket model as we don't know how to do at 1st .. the roket done by you really shoot high as you said .. If got no the roket done by you i think we may not win .. thank you^^


Water Rocket

Rocket made by me sempena Karnival Samatevo on 18th april 2009(Saturday) in our school ...

New Born's Bird

My father wanted to cut off some extra branches of longan tree beside my hse and he found a bird nest on the tree .. He took the nest down and put it near the window .. i'm so excited because wanted to take the pictures of new born's bird ..
When i looked at the new born's bird .. its so scary .. their eyes not yet open and they kept twittering ..
I faster took the pictures and ran away because they looked scary ... they gt no feather, naked body ..
> they leant against each other <

> they are twiterring <


Wat the 'PRIME' ???!!!

Wat the 'PRIME' ???!!!

Tindakan yg paling bijak utk mengawal emosi ialah berdiri jika duduk???

Does it make sense???

OMG ... wat the prime is tat??? gt such tindakan??? summre paling bijak??? ZzZzZzZz ... ... ...