
Glorious Masterpiece

I think i am the last person among our group(group members-lin&vv)who just post about the feather in our cap ..
We got 2nd for our roket air .. Hurray !!!^^
When teacher gave us percubaan for our roket .. we used my roket to do percubaan .. the roket flew over the roof but the parachute didn't open .. the most important thing in this game is our parachute must be opened up otherwise our shoot may disqualified .. we were very worried about the parachute of my roket can't open ..
So, when the 1st trial, we used lin's roket .. at 1st the roket shot and the parachute opened up but unfortunately the parachute was get rid of the roket and flew in the opposite direction .. 3 of us very very sad because we were disqualified .. but we still have 2nd trial .. so we talked to our roket .. asked it to cooperate so tat we can have a successful shoot .. haha .. funny right??
When 2nd trial, the roket really listened to us .. it did a good job .. it shot high and the parachute opened perfectly .. we(vv, lin, yeng, zhen, dyxx & I)were just screaming and shouting because before this we were very nervous .. the duration for the roket is 7.4 secs .. Although it's not a very long time compared to the others, it's still a nice result .. So, we placed 2nd ..
After that, the teacher in-charged told us we got another chance as our 1st trial was failed .. we were shouting due to the happiness .. This time the roket shot higher than our school building(about 3 stories building) .. i was just shouting like a mad girl .. but my parachute=( .. it didn't not openeddddddd ... arhhhh ... so sad='( .. maybe the atmospheric pressure of the surrounding was higher so that the cone can't peeled off .. if the competition is about height, i think we are the champion ..
Overall, we got 2nd for roket air .. we were very very happy because we didn't expect to get any prizes as we sought feet at the last moment .. we just hope the roket can shoot and the parachute can open .. So, the today's result was praiseworthy and we were very proud of it ..
Air roket really amusing great ... if you got the chance to take part you must not give up ... it's really fantastic .. hope next year i still gt the chance to play it ..
To my group members-lin & Vv ,
U guys including me did a good job .. give ownself a clap^^
Result is not important, the most important thing is the process ..
We deserved it because we cooperated to get the work done ..
Don't ever and never blame yourself that you didn't do well or barely helped .. We must happy and proud that we can tolerate each other to finish our work ..
To my sis,
Thanks that you sacrificed your time for helping me to do the roket model as we don't know how to do at 1st .. the roket done by you really shoot high as you said .. If got no the roket done by you i think we may not win .. thank you^^

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