
RIMUP Programme

I went for RIMUP programme this Tuesday at Taman Rakyat, Sri Andalas .. 40 students from our school and 40 students from SMK Teluk Gadong had been there to take part in this programme .. We started off from our school around 8.00am and reached Taman Rakyat about 8.30am ..
Our school's teacher had divided us into 8 groups and the same to Teluk Gadong's students .. I was in group 6 actually but i changed with Sharon to group 7 because Vv was in group 7 .. Yeng, Lin & Zhen were in group 3 while Jil & Dujia were in group 2 .. After that we had to line up followed the number given and started our first activity that's senamrobik guided by En. Afri & Pn. Khor ..
At first we were not familiar with the Teluk Gadong's students .. we just dancing, laughing & talking among ourselves .. After that we went for jogging .. After jogging, we had to go to our groups and it's the time for ice breaking .. My group had got no chinese & indian students from Teluk Gadong .. There were only 4 malay boys & 1 malay gal .. They were very friendly .. Before the introduction, our group was fulled of laughter .. we were just laughing all over .. after that one of the boys from Teluk Gadong started to say something and we started to introduce ourselves(between this got lots of funny matters happened but i'm very lazy to write down) .. We had to choose a leader and create a group name and slogan for our group .. Our group named 'Fantastic 7' ..
Our group members :
*SMK Teluk Gadong*
~ Suzy-the only malay gal
~ Taufik(Mr.Bean)-a guy looked like Mr.bean so that we called him Mr.Bean
~ Safik(our group leader)-a very expansive person & also the one who made us laught a lot
~ Raihan-the 1st person who started the conversation
~ Irwan-a gentle & quiet guy
~ Me
~ Vv
~ Vino
~ Evelyn
~ Parvin
Then, we had sukaneka which was the main point of this programme .. We played many games(about 5 games i think) .. All the games needed the cooperation of each group members to gain success .. All the games were carried out under the hot sun ..After each games, we had a break .. so me & Vv were chitchat with Taufik .. He was very conversational so we talked a lot .. I even sang Mr.Bean song in front of him .. He was just smiling & laughing and told me that he was called Mr.Bean by his friends in school and now we called him Mr.Bean still ..
Times runned fast .. This programme came to an end .. After the prize giving ceremony, we had to go back school .. We were reluctant to part with the new friends we had just knew .. But we still had to leave them ..We did not had any pictures with our group members ..
At first me and Vv managed to have a picture with Taufik but we did not take the picture because we did not know whether he is willing to take picture with us or not .. so when we in the bus, Taufik was sitting on the crub .. So i zoomed in my phone's camera and took Taufik's picture ..
When the bus was going to leave, Safik & Taufik waved with us by showing '7' sign .. So me & Vv also waved with the '7' sign to them ..
I missed them a lot although we had been to know each other and we had together just for a short while .. I hope i still can meet them & have fun with them ..
`` If we have the luck, we will meet again ..
>Lin, Zhen, Jil, Me, Vv & Yeng in front of the school gate<

>Pn Gauri with us< >Lin was so cute in this pic<
>Up: Lin, Me & Vv; Down: Dujia, Jil & Zhen<

>Me& Vv in the bus<
>half of Zhen's face was dissapeared<

>Me& Zhen<

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