

Do you know what a 'FRIEND' is???
~A friend is a person who comes and won't judge a flower by its colour.
~A friend is a person who will comfort you when storms of tears are in your mind.
~A friend is a person who will just have some fun with you and give you a good laugh.
~A friend is a person that doesn't mind expressing their happy or sad feelings to you.
~A friend is someone who doesn't dump you and who helps you when you get hurt.
~A friend is someone who says they are sorry when they do something to hurt your feelings.
~A friend is someone who never hurts you and cares for you.
~A friend is someone who you can depend on.
~A friend is someone who you can tell secrets to.

I still couldn't figure out why did you do that and how could u do that??? She's your friend !!!
You knew everything about that guy but still you did that .. Don't you felt guilty or what??? And the worst thing is you still can pretend as a nice person in front of your friend ..
Your friend is really hurt .. You totally hurt her you know??? She treat you as a friend or even best friend but you had make her dissapointed .. you just do whatever you want .. you don't even care your friend's feeling and you just do what you like ..
I know I have no rights to say anything .. But as a friend i still hope my friend wouldn't get any hurt ..
Hey my friend, you still have us to be with you ^^

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