
Strawberry Pastry Receipe Book

Yong Meei Yeng .. u r so Cute !!!!

U guys noe what she gifted me as my burfday present???
U guys are unable to make out ..
she, gifted me a Strawberry Pastry Recipe Book which is my beloved strawberry flavor ..
she is damn cute la ...
she put it in my bag and i didn't know tat .. when i wanna tk book from my bag .. i saw it .. i was just like .. owhh !!! who put this in my bag??? after i leafed over the book .. i saw her inscribe at the back cover of the book .. i told vv tat y don't she bake me a strawberry cake than gifted me a recipe book ... haha

Thanks ya, yeng !!!
I will keep this book nicely ... next time if i free onli i bake the cake for u to eat larhh .. haha^^

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