

Today went for speech competition ... after that me and yeng went AEON ... We planned to go popular after that go secret recipe ... but when we reached secret recipe ... the cake on the rack looked nt nice so we chose to go lavender ... but there is no more small cakes ... so we went to the bakery shop in front of lavender ... omg ... all the cakes were having strawberries on top ... and it was cheaper than other bakery shops ... next time my burfday cake must buy from tat shop d .. haha .. but the small strawberry cake just left 1 ... so me n yeng planned to go to sakae sushi .. we eat a lots there .. both liked crazy woman making fun there ... took a lot of photos there .. we ate until our stomach going to burst ... after that we went to jusco coz yeng wan to help her mum buy milo ... then we back home by uncle bus ... today we two were very crazy and it's really very fun to hang out v yeng ... I hope can hang out v zhen, lin, vv and so on next time ...

> hit me please .. haha <

> strawberry .. .. .. <
> yeng is playing v the wasabi & kicap <

> yo yo yo ... strawberries ... <

> ah sou carrying a basket <
> yeng's model hse <
> you you you you you .. <
> wow .. delicious ya <

> yeng wanna carry the table .. haha <

> i am collecting the plates .. working at sakae sushi coz no money to foot the bill XD <

> hiding behind the menu <

> wanna drink tea?? <

> cute frog ^^ <

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