
Sunway Lagoon Trip

Last Friday our skul celebrated Hari Guru, so we played truant and went Sunway Lagoon .. Only me, zhen, vv & her sis-vi lynn went to Lagoon because lin hv 2 go for trainning and yeng cant attend due to some reasons ..
We reached there around 10.50 morning then we bought ticket and went in .. As that day was a schooling day so there were not many people .. so we needed not to queued up for the games .. Among the games we played the most terrible one was the TOMAHAWAK ... it was 360 degrees .. damn scary .. felt like thrown out by someone from higher buildings ..
Another scary thing was we walked the stupid drawbridge .. it was so so so scary to walk through .. i was just screaming like a mad person when i walked on the bridge ..
After the games, we went for a swim .. me & zhen just playing with the water .. zhen keep asked vv teach her hw to swim ..
About 2sth we already felt tired and our legs were very very pain .. we were very lazy to walk around for the games anymore .. so we decided to take bath and went for lunch .. After that we went back home at 4 o'clock ...
It's very fun to go out with frenz ... hope next time still gt chance to go out with yeng & lin them ..
* For more details visit vv's blog- www.autumngraveyard.blogspot.com

> zhen & me <

> zhen said wan to tk pic v the children and i just go n kacau .. <

> behind us - TOMAHAWK <

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