

Today will be a super boring day .. sis fren will be coming again to do their homeworks .. they will be using com too .. so i gt no com to use .. watch TV ??? dunno whether gt any nice show or nt .. chiann wei din at home so couldn't go and find her .. boring arhhhh .. what to do ???
yesterday can't slp .. about 2sth only slp .. then woke up at 6.30 .. omg .. going to bang wall d .. just slp about 4 hrs .. I WANT SLP !!! but i can't .. why why why ??? haix ..



= Tagged by Kai Lin =

32 Things You Dont Know About Me Until You Read This : -

1. What colour is your toothbrush :
~ Yellow.

2. Name one person that made you smile today :
~ Chiann Wei.

3. What were you doing at 8 AM? :
~ Sleeping lo.

4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? :
~ Having my dinner -- Maggie =(

5. What was the last thing you had to drink? :
~ Water.

6. Who was the last person you sent a message to on Facebook? :
~ Siew Yin. Burfday wishes ..

7. Ever go camping? :
~ Nop.

8. Do you go to church every Sunday? :
~ No, i'm nt Christian.

9. What did your last text message say? :
~ I'm watching TV.

10. Where is your dad? :
~ Home.

11. Look to your left. What do you see? :
~ My phone & my bottle.

12. What colour is your watch? :
~ White. but the battery has run down +_+

13. What were you doing at midnight last night? :
~ Sms-ing.

14. How old are you? :
~ Sixteen.

15. Do you want to change your name? :
~ Nop. Why i want to change it? I thk it's nice XD

16. How many kids do you want to have? :
~ 2 i thk it's enough ..

17. Would you kiss any of your facebook friends? :
~ Nop.

18. Who are the best huggers that you know? :
~ Wee square & Lin^^

19. List three favourite colors/shades :
~ Pink, Purple & Yellow.

20. Have you ever fallen in love? :
~ Yes.

21. How did you get your worst scar? :
~ An accident.

22. Do you like cats? :
~ NO .. I hate them .. they are so scary ..

23. Do you love anyone? :
~ Yeap .. My family members lorhh .. haha

24. What do you hope to get on your birthday? :
~ Have no idea right now.

25. Do you plan any trip for your next coming? :
~ Yea .. Kuantan.

26. What do you usually do during the day? :
~ Watching TV - Online - Tuition .. Sth like tat ..

27. Do you hate anyone that you know right now? :
~ No gua.

28. Is anyone jealous of you? :
~ How i know??

29. Favourite pair of shoes you wear all the time :
~ Slippers.

30. Last song listened to? :
~ Chinese song.

31. Who's the last person you talked on the phone? :
~ Chiann Wei

32. What is your favourite number? :
~ 2/6

Tag 5 people to do the same thing :
1. kah yean
2. vi lynn
3. -
4. -
5. -
Most of my frens were tagged !

Fun day. =)

Today very boring doing nothing at home .. at first chiann wei said want to come my house but after that my sis's frens came .. so i msg her told her tat i will be going her house .. we were chit-chatting around and on facebook viewing other's photos .. while i was playing with my phone in her room then she took the opportunity to record what i was doing .. at first i tot she just wanted to take a photo who knows she was recording .. at the same time she was laughing wildly like a madwoman because of my doing .. after that she showed the video to her sis and also her mother .. omg .. it's such a fool .. they were laughing around .. then she said she is going to post it on facebook .. she repeated watching the video and cachinnating .. couldn't bear her .. i keep begged her don't post .. then she said she wanna take my photos asked me to be her model .. then i was like an obedient dog obeyed her orders .. did some silly act for her to take the photos .. she looked at the photos and keep laughing .. both of us like a crazy people .. laughing and playing around .. tomorrow she is going to listen undang .. so nobody is going to accompany me .. have to face my boring life again .. haix ..

> bad gurl <

> like siao po <


PC spoilt jor .. waiting for repair .. have to use sis laptop to 0n9 .. her laptop very very the lag .. and the internet connection interrupted all the time make me so pek cek .. but 2dy seems return to normal d ..
Last friday went Bahau, Negeri Sembilan relative's house v my family n aunt's family .. we went malacca 1st .. planned to go shopping at malacca after having lunch but unexpectedly it rains cats and dogs in the presence of hot sun .. it's really irritating .. make us couldn't go for shopping .. so we ended up to go for shopping and straight away continued our journey to bahau .. it took 2 hrs plus to reach there .. about 6 o'clock we reached relative's house .. we just chit-chatting around and took a shower .. after that about 8.30 we went for dinner .. after dinner we went KTV .. although is VIP room but the hi-fi equipment is nt really high class .. recent pop songs were nt having in the list .. it's quite outdated .. we sang till about 1 o'clock onli back home .. as we gt lots ppl went there .. so my relative rented a cabin nearby for us .. the next day morning after having our breakfast we went back .. on the way back we stopped at seremban just to buy the famous products of seremban --- 'shao bao' .. mummy n aunty bought a lot of sha bao wanted to gv aunties and also her frens .. then we went back home .. went there is nt really fun but at least better than nothing to do at home ..
my mummy nw .. omg .. revels in taiwanese drama --- <命中注定我爱你>' You Are My Destiny ' .. can't bear her .. burn the midnight oil just wanted to watch the drama .. make me no tv to watch at nite .. so bad =(
this holidays is really very very boring .. haix .. 12th dec wil be attending cousin's wedding dinner at kuantan .. other than tuition i thk i will be stuck at home and waiting to rust ... haix .. hope can go out v frens as soon as possibble .. lin, zhen, yeng, vv .. where r u guys???? lolz ..



I couldn't online these few days as the stupid internet connection was very very weak due to raining .. damn angry and boring ..

* recollection *


Bus uncle didn't fetch us to school anymore .. so we have to settle by ourselves if we want to go school .. monday i went and fetch by yeng's dad .. tues yeng's sis nt going so we din go .. after tat lin n DJ msg me asked me to go school because tcher said if i still absent she is going to give me warning letter as i ponteng for more than 10 times .. so wed i went .. actually thurs i managed to go and fri will nt going .. but yeng's sis nt going on thurs so i gt no transport to go .. ended up to stay at home .. at skul relly very boring .. we just chit-chat and keep taking photo .. lin now became very brave d .. she dare to put her phone in the drawer and used it as she like (pei fu pei fu .. wanna learn from u d, daring .. hehe^^) .. i was shock when saw she put her phone on the drawer ..


went Neway chiong k v family n cousin .. having our dinner there .. ate a lot of foods as the foods can be taken as u like .. we were singing in a frenzy of joy .. aunt was dancing and shaking her body along with the music .. everyone fell about when she started to shake her body .. we get a champagne for free as one of us's burfday on nov .. then the manager went in wanted to help us take a photo .. we continued singing until 11.30 onli we went home .. about 12.30 onli we reached home .. it's really fun n fantastic .. hope i can go there again =)

> daddy & mummy was singing <

> mummy & I <


Planned not to go skul anymore until fri onli go to get report card .. but lin msg me n vv on monday asked both of us must go skul on wed to finish our bio peka .. at 1st we planned nt to go and will do it next year .. but lin told vv quite lots to copy .. so vv told me if nt finish on this yr next yr we got no time to finish it .. so i asked thong accompany me to go skul by public bus as yeng need to go for trainning n interview .. but thong gt no skul on wed because spm started .. so i asked my aunt to fetch me .. i reached skul at about 9.30 .. i entered the class .. there was no tcher in the class .. i quickly asked vv give me the peka to copy .. she finished copy and chit-chating v shin wei n DJ .. then she just gv me 2 papers and told me tats all .. i was like .. wat?? just tat?? if onli tat then we need not come to skul and might copy it next yr .. but i still copied and passed it to sharon .. we gt ntg to do then .. just keep playing v our phones .. keep misscalled lin for fun (sry ya lin coz u absent we gt ntg to do .. miss u so much .. hahaXD) .. about 1.20 thong reached skul then we went for tuition .. we had our lunch at pizza hut .. this yr we quite often had our lunch at pizza hut .. lolz




Need to study for exams!

No more online after this until 5th of Nov .. will be facing end year exam which exactly followed SPM format .. 3 papers for each science subjects .. omg .. it's really tough .. but no choice still have to face it .. have to study hard for it .. No gains without pains .. Good Luck for all those ppl who facing exam .. Gambateh !!!


Wedding Certificate

To Vi Vian :

I am telling the truth right??? Here the proof .. hahahaha .. We get married and had a marriage certificate so we are legal marriage you know nt tradisional marriage ... u n hyung joon be our witnesses .. wahahaha .. when is my turn to be urs??? XD

I think i'm crazy d ... lolz ..



Jihoo : H1N1?!!

He looks emaciate after he fell sick .. Hope he can get well soon and always in a good condition .. not to fall sick or get injured ..



OMG !!! Kim Hyun Joong had been diagnosed with the H1N1 flu ..
today during physics period me n vv just talking about him n his teammate, hyung joon .. both of us were crazy about them .. we summore said wan to find more their pictures and set it as our phone's wallpaper ..
when i reached home received the msg from yeng, lin & zhen said tat hyun joong down with H1N1 and lin asked me faster go and read the news from newspaper .. i get shocked when i knew .. actually yesterday i had read such news from the web but didn't take notice of it because i though it just a hearsay information .. who knows it's true .. anyway hope he can get well soon ... God blessed him !!!


my blog is dead ... totally dead because i gt no idea what to post ...
final exam is coming soon ... just left about 2 months to go ... i havent start my revision ... i'm so so so so lazy to do it ... i rather spend my time to watch tv, read novel than do the revision ... hope i can start the revision as fast as possible if nt the results will be very very terrible ... haix


The sky has been drenched by the rain
And has been ruined particularly to its finest detail.
Looking from the windowsill I shall tell this with a sigh.
I regreted being impulsive.
Flipping through the photographs I then looked at the sky
Tranquil , silent and vivid
A rainbow appeared behind the thick layer of mist
Awaken from my dream, I took the courage to set the final destination
For my love
Neglecting the seasons of the year, I wait for your return
The warmth can be felt beyond a thousand miles.
The rustling of the leaves outside reminds me of you when we are together
The sky is gray as if it has been crying profusely
Similar to when you left
By flipping the coin I thought
Fate could be decided seriously
A promise made when growing up together
Yet couldn’t be fulfilled
I let the wind blow my hair
Waiting for a thunderstorm
Hoping it will remind you to remember me.
written by : emo prince


Wohoo .. Holidays lerr .. damn hapiie but a lot of homeworks are waiting for me to complete .. haix
Today me, vv & lin were ponteng sekolah .. our holidays start from 2dy .. haha .. we all were very very lazy to go skul as there is nothing to do at skul ..
My holidays is full of homeworks and tuition .. hope i stil can enjoy my holidays well ...
On the other hand, my piano exam is coming soon .. it's on next thursday ... so scary .. Due to my laziness i couldn't play well because din practice for it .. hope tat day i can play them as well as possible and do nt fail my exam if nt it's just a waste ... God Bless Me !!!


Convent Canteen Day finally is over !!!!
Actually me n yeng planned to back home at 1sth by uncle bus but at last we ended up to go back at 3sth by public bus as yeng was helping 4L class at basketball court .. Both of us ponteng addmaths class as we cant reach home before 4pm ..
My fren's coupons didn't use finish and he gave it to me .. i still thought can give it back teacher on monday but yeng told me if the coupons money was paid it can't return back .. after tat i asked my class teacher .. she said the same thing == .. so before back i have to finished it if nt the coupons were wasted .. so both of us were walking around to spend the coupons .. but as the time was late so there is nothing much to buy .. u know hw we spend the coupons?? we bought 1.5litre soft drinks for rm5 coupons ... it's so expensive but no choice .. haiz ..
This yr canteen day was nt very fun .. yeng said next yr we better go for shopping on tat day .. wahaha

>Vv, Lin & Miie<

berpura-pura doing work .. capture for moral kerja amal .. haha

tattoo on my face=)

capture while waiting for the public bus

yeng is trying to untie the knot

finally she open it>.<

our shadow .. nice??? haha ..


Tomorrow is our school Canteen Day ..
Looking forward .. Hope it will be a fun & fantastic Canteen Day ..


It's Just You and Me.

It's funny how we end up here. Now.
Just a few months ago, we were strangers.
Without knowing, this feelings for you bloomed.
There's no way I'll ever thought that this day would come.
The day that I'll be labelled-owned.

I admit.
I'm insecure.
I don't want to be disappointed again.
I don't want to be the one who has to get hurt.
Not anymore.

I won't lie.
This is hard for me to handle.
With all the 'interruptions' and the 'distractions'
I could crumble under it all.
I need your support at all times.
Isn't this how it's suppose to be?

I want to start a brand new chapter of my life.
With you as the title.
Let's write down our memories together.
Page after page.
It's going to be a hell of a story.
Cause it's just you and me.

[wee-square masterpiece]


To > My DaRL!nG , Kai Lin

` May AlL YouR Dr3amZzZ ComE Tru3 ..

` Sm!l3 =) & Happii3 XD AlwaYs ..

` AlL Th3 BesT ..

` Go0d LucK !!!

` Lov3 ya^^

~ Fr3nZ 4eVa ~

Just From :
Ur Darling ,
- shan -


Tomorrow is report card day .. i asked mummy nt to go as i had told her my mid year results ... I ask her end yr report card day just go .. haha ..
Yeng asked me wan go sing K v them or nt .. but i kinda lazy to go so i rejected jor ... nvm la .. still gt next time ... Yeng, zhen & s.chin .. enjoy urself ya ..


MJ, Rest In Peace ..

There will be a lot of people feel sad as Michael Jackson departed from this life ..
Everyone know him because he is MICHAEL JACKSON -- "King of Pop"
MJ will not be forgotten although he was not in this world anymore ..
His masterpieces will be remembered forever by posterity ..
May MJ rests in peace ..



Today went for speech competition ... after that me and yeng went AEON ... We planned to go popular after that go secret recipe ... but when we reached secret recipe ... the cake on the rack looked nt nice so we chose to go lavender ... but there is no more small cakes ... so we went to the bakery shop in front of lavender ... omg ... all the cakes were having strawberries on top ... and it was cheaper than other bakery shops ... next time my burfday cake must buy from tat shop d .. haha .. but the small strawberry cake just left 1 ... so me n yeng planned to go to sakae sushi .. we eat a lots there .. both liked crazy woman making fun there ... took a lot of photos there .. we ate until our stomach going to burst ... after that we went to jusco coz yeng wan to help her mum buy milo ... then we back home by uncle bus ... today we two were very crazy and it's really very fun to hang out v yeng ... I hope can hang out v zhen, lin, vv and so on next time ...

> hit me please .. haha <

> strawberry .. .. .. <
> yeng is playing v the wasabi & kicap <

> yo yo yo ... strawberries ... <

> ah sou carrying a basket <
> yeng's model hse <
> you you you you you .. <
> wow .. delicious ya <

> yeng wanna carry the table .. haha <

> i am collecting the plates .. working at sakae sushi coz no money to foot the bill XD <

> hiding behind the menu <

> wanna drink tea?? <

> cute frog ^^ <


Funny Incident

Every morning i will help my sis tk school shoes before we go to skul ...
Today i get her a shoes which is nt belong to her ...
She wear size 7 .. but i get her 1 size 5 which is belong my younger sister and 1 size 7 ...
when i back from tuition .. she scold me made one of her foots pain .. i asked y ... then my younger sister told me tat i get wrong shoes for her today morning ... haha ..
it's really funny .. coz i really saw one of the shoes is size 7 ... but the other 1 i din see .. coz tat 2 shoes put 2gether then i tot both of them are same size ...

Strawberry Pastry Receipe Book

Yong Meei Yeng .. u r so Cute !!!!

U guys noe what she gifted me as my burfday present???
U guys are unable to make out ..
she, gifted me a Strawberry Pastry Recipe Book which is my beloved strawberry flavor ..
she is damn cute la ...
she put it in my bag and i didn't know tat .. when i wanna tk book from my bag .. i saw it .. i was just like .. owhh !!! who put this in my bag??? after i leafed over the book .. i saw her inscribe at the back cover of the book .. i told vv tat y don't she bake me a strawberry cake than gifted me a recipe book ... haha

Thanks ya, yeng !!!
I will keep this book nicely ... next time if i free onli i bake the cake for u to eat larhh .. haha^^


1. Which is your favorite color: red,black,blue,green, or yellow ?

2. Your first initial?

3. Your month of birth?

4. Which color do you like more, black or white?

5. Name of person of the same sex as yours.
``Chan Yin Zhen, Yong Meei Yeng.

6. Your favorite number?

7. Do you like Flying or Driving more?

8. Do you like a lake or the ocean more?

9. Write down 15 wishes.
``Score good results in SPM.
``Hang out with frenz.
``Buy a new phone.
``Go shopping often.
``Travelling around the world.
``Personal Laptop.
``Study at overseas.
``No exams during study life.
``Meet my Prince Charming.
``My family members are in good health.
``Go Korea to meet Kim Hyun Joong. Haha XD
``Go Singapore find my lover, Elvin Ng.
``Get more frenz.
``Buy more and more clothes.
``Have a slim body.

When you're done, scroll down. WARNING:Don't cheat!!!


1. If you choose:
~Red - You are alert and your life is full of love.
~Black - You are conservative and aggressive.
~Green - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back.
~Blue - You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love.
~Yellow - You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down.

2. If your initial is:
~A-K- : You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
~L-R- : You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom.
~S-Z- : You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.

3. If you were born in:
~Jan-Mar : The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you'll fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
~April-June : You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever.
~July-Sep : You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good.
~Oct-Dec : Your love life will not be great, but eventually you will find your soulmate.

4. If you chose:
~Black : Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the times but it will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
~White : You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.

5. This person is your best friend.

6. This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime.

7. If you chose:
~Flying: You like adventure.
~Driving: You are a laid back person.

8. If you chose:
~Lake : You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are very reserved.
~Ocean : You are spontaneous and like to please people.

9. This wishes will come true only if you tag five people in one hour.Tag it to ten people and it will come true before your next birthday.
~Du Jia
~Kah Yean
~Vi Lynn


Suffered !!!

Yesterday i had sprained my neck .. it's very very pain .. i can't turned my head to the left ..
i told mummy abt tat then she put some medicated wine on my neck and rubbed ..
after that she bought me some medicine .. but the medicine was not functioning .. my neck still very pain until i couldn't bear it then my tears came out ..
i was lying on the bed for few hours until i really couldn't bear .. i asked my mummy bring me to the doctor .. the doctor said maybe i sleep till too late and my sleeping position nt correct caused my neck sprained ..
i suffered once before this .. it's really suffering ..




Bake Cake

2dy after lunch, my younger sister asked me wan to bake cake or nt .. so i said ok lorhhh .. then she started to prepare the ingrediants ..
I used the stirrer to stir the butter and sugar ... after that we added eggs & flour and stir it until well mixed .. we poured the mixture in the pan and put in the oven for bake ..
The taste of the butter cake was nt bad .. haha .. it's very fun to bake cake ..

> stirring the mixture of butter, sugar & eggs <

> buttuer cake <
> butter cake with milo flavour <

Sunway Lagoon Trip

Last Friday our skul celebrated Hari Guru, so we played truant and went Sunway Lagoon .. Only me, zhen, vv & her sis-vi lynn went to Lagoon because lin hv 2 go for trainning and yeng cant attend due to some reasons ..
We reached there around 10.50 morning then we bought ticket and went in .. As that day was a schooling day so there were not many people .. so we needed not to queued up for the games .. Among the games we played the most terrible one was the TOMAHAWAK ... it was 360 degrees .. damn scary .. felt like thrown out by someone from higher buildings ..
Another scary thing was we walked the stupid drawbridge .. it was so so so scary to walk through .. i was just screaming like a mad person when i walked on the bridge ..
After the games, we went for a swim .. me & zhen just playing with the water .. zhen keep asked vv teach her hw to swim ..
About 2sth we already felt tired and our legs were very very pain .. we were very lazy to walk around for the games anymore .. so we decided to take bath and went for lunch .. After that we went back home at 4 o'clock ...
It's very fun to go out with frenz ... hope next time still gt chance to go out with yeng & lin them ..
* For more details visit vv's blog- www.autumngraveyard.blogspot.com

> zhen & me <

> zhen said wan to tk pic v the children and i just go n kacau .. <

> behind us - TOMAHAWK <